Sunday, March 15, 2015



February came and went!  Although we had an extra winter break with the snow days, we worked hard to meet our smart goals.  We began using ClassFlow which is an awesome Promethean program that allows Mrs. Fay to send information to our computers/ipads and we can send information back to her!  We love it and ask for it daily!
Working on synonyms and antonyms for Greek/Latin Roots

Utilizing iPads and thesauruses 

4th grade using ClassFlow

Practicing theme with task cards

Reading with Mrs. Pabst

We did a lot of research for our social studies project with Ms. Moore

5th Graders using ClassFlow

We love active seating and interactive classes!

We use iPads and laptops during ClassFlow time.

We love our active seating ball chairs.

We really love our brain breaks with GoNoodle

KooKooKangaroo is a class favorite!

For Valentine's Day, we thanked our cafeteria ladies and custodians. 
We compared/contrasted Cinderella across cultures.

Ms. Miriam came and taught us about density during 4H.

We did some hands on activities.


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